Burradon demos

Another great afternoon of demos, this time to years 3, 4 and 5 at Burradon Community Primary School on Monday 4th July. Once again all the children who had a go (which is nearly all of them) managed to produce a note out of at least one of the instruments.

Nicola joined Gavin for the first time in running the demos. Nicola was able to tell the children that she had been a pupil at Burradon Primary. Of course, it was in the old school a few years before the wonderful new Community School was built!

Burradon has a proud heritage as an ex-pit village. The Burradon Colliery Band sadly folded a few years after the pit closed in 1975. The Burradon and Weetslade Colliery banner is in the process of being restored and will hang in the School Hall from September. A replica banner will be paraded at this year’s Durham Miners Gala on 9th July. We hope to rekindle the tradition of brass playing in Burradon, and you never know, maybe there will be a brass band in Burradon again soon!

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