We ran a very successful “enrichment day” for year 9 students at Norham High School on Wednesday 3rd July. A total of about 60 students took part over 4 sessions during the day.

Nearly all the students got up to have a go at playing “We Will Rock You” on either a cornet or a trombone and, as you can see from the photos, had a lot of fun.
Well done to all those who had a go, especially those who took some persuading but did it in the end! It’s always better to have a go at new things when the opportunity arises. Who knows where it might lead?
Each session started with a short introductory talk about music and how important it is to all our lives.
Music is all around us: TV theme tunes; film scores; sports events; birthday parties; weddings; funerals; even the King’s Coronation.
It’s in our DNA to want to sing, make music and dance!

After a quick demo by our tutor playing the cornet and trombone, we discussed how they work to produce a sound. Then everyone tried buzzing into a mouthpiece before getting up in smaller groups to learn the 4 notes of “We will, we will rock you”: F, E, D, C, D D