Our sheet music

Click on the links below to access our sheet music, and read our notes about them. Or access all our sheet music on our Google Drive.

Most of our music is arranged for B♭ instruments playing treble clef as we work mainly with cornets/trumpets and trombones. E♭ versions may be available on request.

Our own Compositions

Apple Pie Blues

Bear Hunt

Big Foot Stomp

Get on Up, Get on Down

Join the Band

The Band Plays On



Blaydon Races

Catch a Falling Star

Frere Jacques

I am the Music Man

I Love My Life

Jurassic Park

Kidd Jordan’s Second Line

Ode to Joy

Old MacDonald had a Farm

Rock Around the Clock

We Will Rock You

When the Saints Go Marching In


Fun Tunes

Six Simple Tunes

Nine Short Pieces

Christmas Tunes

Away in a Manger

Carol of the Drum

Jingle Bells

The Snowman

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

While Shepherds Watched



You can also access all our handouts and games on our Google Drive.