Apple Pie Blues

Click on this link to see, download and/or print the sheet music for our own composition “Apple Pie Blues”.

This tune is a good exercise to learn simple note rhythms using names of delicious desserts, e.g. “Ap-ple Pie” for 2 quavers and a crotchet; “Blue-ber-ry Muf-fin” for a triplet and 2 quavers; “Wa-ter-me-lon Slice” for 4 semi-quavers and a crotchet; etc.

The tune uses call and response phrases and is written in 2 parts. Part one can be played by the tutor and the group respond with part two or you can divide the group into 2 parts.

There are annotated versions for cornet and trombone with the note names and valve/slide positions marked.
There is also a 3-page “Toon Larner” practise sheet for use in school or home practise.

There are posters which can be printed off for use in the session. E.g. point at the poster, say, clap or play rhythm and ask the students to repeat it.

You can find all our sheet music on our Google Drive.