Famous Quote number 1
Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, was a genius who revolutionised our understanding of the universe and how it works!
Famous Quote number 2
Gautama Buddha was an Indian Philosopher and Spiritual Teacher who lived about 2,400 years ago and founded the Buddhist Religion.
Famous Quote number 3
Judy Garland, 1922-1969 was an American actress and singer. She played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
We say never worry about how or what other people are doing. It’s how you are doing and what you are learning that matters!
Famous Quote number 4
Sir Richard Branson, born 1950, is a British businessman. He founded the Virgin Group of companies
Famous Quote number 5
Walt Disney, 1901-1966, was an American animator and businessman – he created Mickey Mouse in 1928.
Famous Quote number 6
Plato was a Greek philosopher who lived 2,400 years ago and has shaped how we all think ever since!
Famous Quote number 7
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791, was possibly the greatest musician that ever lived!
Famous Quote number 8
Maya Angelou, 1928-2014, was an American poet, writer and civil rights campaigner. She is best known for her story of her childhood “I know why the caged bird sings”.
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