Tutor1: “Welcome back”
Tutor2: “Did you enjoy seeing and hearing the brass instruments being played? They are good, aren’t they? Maybe you could be that good one day?”
Tutor1: “Yes, they were excellent! And how did you get on with the quiz we gave you? Hopefully, you are starting to get to know what a brass musical instrument is!”
Tutor2: “Brass musical instruments are called “brass” because they are usually made of brass metal. But once upon a time, musical instruments like these were made of wood or from the horn of animals, and they are sometimes still called ‘horns’.”
Tutor1: “And a lot of bands have a ‘horn’ section, often with trumpets, trombones and saxophones.”
Tutor2: “We have another video clip below for you to enjoy, that shows just such a horn section playing with George Ezra at the Glastonbury Music Festival.”
Tutor1: “And after that, you can have a look at the selection of videos we’ve collected together to show brass instruments in all sorts of bands and types of music”
Tutor2: “So much great music to enjoy, and then we’ll see you in the next lesson!”
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