Where do you get your money from?

We raise money from small grants and private donations.

To date (Dec 2024) we have raised (and spent) nearly £8,500 made up from the following amounts:

30-Mar-2016Private donation of £1,100
5-Apr-2016North Tyneside Music Education Hub – initial grant of £2,000 to help set up the project
22-Jul-2016John Lewis Music Matters – grant of £750
14-Sep-2016Private donation of £300
23-Nov-2016J.W.Mann Trust – grant of £1,025
26-Nov-2016Private donation of £6
14-Feb-2017Donation of percussion costing £81.22
08-May-2017Private donation of £250
12-July-2017Fee for band at Shiremoor Treat £100
24-Oct-2017North Tyneside Music Education Hub grant of £500
17-Nov-2017Community Foundation grant of £1,460
01-Dec-2017Income from Brass Showcase Concert of £40
18-Dec-2017Private donation of £500
4-Jan-2018Donation of metal mouthpieces costing £243.10
9-Dec-2020Donation via PayPal £1.54
15-Oct-2021Private donation of £50
01-Jul-2022Sale of percussion £100
31-Mar-2023Private donation of £100
01-Jan-2024Private donation of £100
10-Jun-2024Private donation of £100
15-Oct-2024Introduction reward from Policy Bee Insurance £20

Our only regular expenses are running our website www.ntbis.org.uk which costs about £32 a year; and Public Liability Insurance which costs about £140 a year.

Other costs so far include over £5,000 on instruments, music stands and other equipment, £70 on volunteer travel expenses, £120 to help parents bring children to perform at North Tyneside’s Got Talent and £130 on other incidentals. The grant from The Community Foundation (£1,460) has paid for a play day held at the Y Studio in North Shields and to take children to take part in the Wansbeck Festival 3 years running. We are trying to raise money buy better and different instruments for our continuing children to progress further, to organise visiting musicians to run singing and percussion workshops, and to take the children and their families to other music performances e.g. at Sage Gateshead.

We also made a £500 donation in January 2024 to help establish the new charity North Tyneside Music Opportunities for Young People (mo4y). We hope the charity will be able create even more opportunities for young people to engage with music and help us raise more money in the future.

We will also need to raise substantial additional money to establish a youth brass band for children of High School age, and to set up more brass groups in other Primary Schools.

More Financial Information is available on our Google Drive.

If you would like to make a donation, or help with fund raising, please contact us. or donate online here.

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