Information (out of date)

Please see our new Information page for up-to-date links.

This page is preserved in case anyone has bookmarked it.

Please click on one of the links below for more information

Brass Music Curriculum (in development)
An introduction to Brass Music Our sheet music
What is music? – on simple wikipedia Notation help sheets
What is a Brass Instrument? Equipment help sheets
How do Brass Musical Instruments work? Toon Larner for cornet
Brass Bands Toon Larner for trombone
Management Information Participating Schools
Our Aims and Objectives Backworth Park Primary School
Our Policies Balliol Primary School
Our Management Committee Burradon Community Primary School
Our Music Tutors School term dates
Archive of letters home
External links
North Tyneside Music Education Hub website
Backworth Park Primary School website
Burradon Community Primary School website