Wellfield Middle School brass group started back with returning members now in year 6 and several new members from this year’s year 5 group. Music Head Lyndsay Gibson takes her year 5s for whole class brass on pocket trumpets and children are invited to join the after-school brass band now on Thursdays.
25th September 2023
We started the new year at Backworth Park Primary with a demo to key stage 2 children, and now have 18 new members for our Tuesday after-school brass group.
But why a ukelele?
30th November 2023
We’ve prepared some new handy handouts for beginners to help learn their first notes. Check them out on our google drive, where you’ll find lots of resources free to share and use.
Backworth Park Primary brass band played at a School assembly in December, playing Away in a Manger and Carol of the Drum. They did a great job, and they’d only been learning for a few weeks! Well done.
Wellfield Middle School brass band played at two services held at St Alban’s Church, Earsdon in December, one for the whole School and a second one for family members. They did really well.
18th December 2023
Just in time for Christmas we’ve dusted down a couple of old quizzes and put them on our google drive where anyone can access and download them.
We said farewell to long standing Management Committee member Angela Hunter, Head at Burradon Community Primary School. We recorded our thanks to Angela for all her support since we started in 2016.
We welcomed new committee members: Chris Ord, a local musician and author; Lyndsay Gibson, Head of Music at Wellfield Middle School; and Andy Griffiths, Head of Music at Marden Bridge Middle School.
We welcomed the creation of new music charity North Tyneside Music Opportunities for Young People or mo4y for short. Read more here
27th February 2024
Sadly, the after-school brass group will no longer be running at Backworth Park Primary School from this half term.
Special thanks must go to the staff who have supported the brass band over the years, including Carole Whittle who has been a member of the brass group and helped run it since we started in 2016.
4th April 2024
We issued the following statement:
Participating in one of our brass groups should always be fun as well as educational.
No child should ever be punished or humiliated for attending or not attending one of our brass groups.
Wellfield Middle School put on a Summer Music Showcase on Wednesday May 22nd and the brass band played brilliantly (of course): Mr Blue Sky; Surfin USA; and Rock Out with solos from our year members!
June 2024
Wellfield Middle School took part in the Big Gig 2024 at Newcastle’s Vertu Arena on Friday 21st June.
July 2024
We ran a very successful “enrichment day” for year 9 students at Norham High School on Wednesday 3rd July.
We held our AGM on 9th July and said farewell to our founding member Julie Dorr, Music Lead for North Tyneside Music Education Hub. Julie was one of people who initiated the Brass in Schools project back in 2016. We recorded our thanks for all her support over the years since.
Our new chair is Chris Ord.